Our Goal

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Shepherd Parish Newsletter, 23 Jan 2011

The Good Shepherd Parish
Mass Times
Sunday - 11am, Monday to Friday - 9.30am
First Friday - 9.30am

Week of
JANUARY 23rd, 2011
Third Sunday in    
Ordinary Time

Parish Centre Map

New Parish Youth Programme                                                     
This New Day Programme is a 7 week project that invites young people aged between 12-18, to explore the beauty of their own identity, faith and culture, through a number of fun games, activities and workshops. This 1 ½ Hour programme will begin on Tuesday 1st March for a period of seven weeks.  There is no cost involved in attending this programme. All interested should contact the Parish Office (091-756823) for an application form.

World Youth Day - Week long festival in celebration of our catholic faith to take place in Madrid between 15th to 22nd August for all those aged between 18-35...last number of places available. Please contact Siobhain Bradley on 091-565066

 Parenting Classes.
Classes for parents of all age groups will be offered either locally or in Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Newtownsmith from week beginning February 7th, 2011. If you need support in your parenting challenges please phone Eileen or Eilish at the Diocesan Pastoral centre, n 091 565066 or email pastoraladministrator@eircom.net.

Sunday, JANUARY 16th
Hospitality: Millie Forde, Maureen Cox
Servers: Patrick, Anyaka, Aisling, Raymond
Collectors: Peter Brennan, Alan / Nuala Keady, Vinny Hennelly
Eucharistic Ministers:  Celia Keane, Padraic Kyne, Kevin McPartland

Mass Intentions for the Week:
Sunday 23rd: Jamie McSweeney
Monday 23rd: Special Intentions
Thursday 27th: Pro-Popula
(Mass for the People)
Sunday 30th: Children’s Mass
Michael & Mary Forde Anniversary

Mothers Prayers every Monday except bank holidays
Mothers Prayers for mothers and grandmothers who wish to pray together for their children and grandchildren in the Parish Centre on Monday nights @ 8pm. Queries: Mary 753325 or Eileen 753628

Sunday 16th: Collection €421.55 
Xmas Dues €615

Children’s Mass on Sunday
A special Mass for Children to celebrate Catholic Schools week will take place in the Good Shepherd on the 30th.

Matthew 4: 12-17
The arrest of John the Baptist was the catalyst for the start of the  Public ministry of Jesus.  Recall the events and experiences that brought about a change in your life, introducing a new phase of ministry, or work, or activity of some kind.  In hindsight where do you see the guidance of the Spirit of God in the new direction you took.
The change in circumstances included a change in where he lived.  How has your life taken a different turn when you moved residence?
This was a time when Jesus developed a deeper understanding of his mission in life.  Each human person shares the same mission in life; to love god and neighbour.  The concrete form this takes is shaped by the free choices we make in the circumstances of our lives.  How has your understanding of your mission and purpose in life developed through the years?

We are looking for people to be involved in music ministry in the parish:  singers, musicians AND people to operate the PowerPoint slides.   For info about what's involved, talk to the music group today or call Mary 085 169 0116

Rev. Fr. Martin Glynn - P.P.

Phone Mobile - 087-2527124

Parish Office - 091-756823

Web Address

Email addresses

Community Web Address

Merlin Woods Primary School
Expressions of Interest are now being taken for those wishing to enrol their children in Merlin Woods Primary School for September 2011. Merlin Woods is a primary school under Catholic Patronage catering for boys and girls in junior Infants, senior infants and 1st class.  Please contact the Parish Office or Merlin Woods Primary School (091-761676) if you have any queries.

"St. Brigid - Ireland's first top model"- 
Liturgy to Celebrate the gifts of all women in our church who continue to follow in the footsteps of our beloved Brigid....This very special liturgy will take place in Galway Cathedral on 1st February 2011 at 7:30p.m.

Adult Faith Formation
Group meeting Tuesday 25th of Jan in Sr. Laura's Apt at 8pm

Low Cost Counselling / 


Bereavement / Loss  

Anxiety / Depression 

Relationship Problems

Fear / Worry / Trauma

Professional Counselling / Psychotherapy available at a low cost during these difficulty times. Contact Laura at 087-7489694

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